Procurement Manual

The Government of Ondo State enacted the public Procurement Law on 8th August 2017 (Law). The Law provides the general principles and rules governing public procurement. These Guidelinescontain step-by-step procedures to assist Procuring Entities to undertake public procurement in accordance with the Law.

Purpose of the Guidelines

The purpose of these Guidelines is to regulate the procurement of works, goods and services carried out by the State, Local Government Council and all other Procuring Entities in the State. These Guidelines shall not apply to the procurement of special goods, works and services involving security unless the Governor’s approval has first been sought and obtained that the provisions shall specifically apply.

Exceptions to Guidelines

  • Exceptions to the provisions of these Guideline may arise for a number of reasons including the following:
    1. A special situation, which momentarily makesa departure from the Guidelines a necessity;
    2. One-off requirements introduced as special provisions in a loan or credit facility which are not otherwise covered in this Guidelines and do not constitute a revision of the Guidelines,
    3. The necessary use of non-standard tender documents for specialist procurements;
    4. New legislation or government policy change which causes any part of this Guideline to be inconsistent with the new provisions until an appropriate revision has been approved.
  • Exceptions shall normally be of a short-term and one-off nature. Where they are recurrent, or became repetitive, then the Ondo State Bureau of Public Procurement (Bureau) shall decide whether there is a need to introduce revisions to the Guidelines to reflect the necessary change, in accordance with provision under this guideline 1.3
  • Where an exception is considered essential, the accounting officer of the procurement entity may submit a formal request to the Bureau detailing the circumstance warranting the exception and include a full justification for the proposed exception. The Bureau may approve such requests by issue of a specific waiver or reject the request.
  • Exceptions and waivers granted shall be carefully reviewed in the monitoring activities of the Bureau and subject to procurement audit.
  • The Bureaushall review all exceptions requests to determine whether the relevant provisions of the Guidelines need to be amended.

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