Who we are
Procurement Stages
Procurement Cycle
Procurement Players
Tender Process
The Bureau, a body established by section 3 of the Law, is the regulatory and coordinating authority on public procurement in Ondo State. All Accounting Officers, Procuring Entities, Tenders Boards, Procurement Planning Committees and other structures involved in Ondo State public procurement are required to abide by the guidelines and regulatory instructions issued by the Bureau.
The Bureau has responsibility for the overall co-ordination, direction and development of Government procurement practices and procedures in Ondo State. It is entrusted with defined functions and clauses of power respectively under sections 5 and 6 of the Law which may be summarized as follows:
- Formulation/Development ofpublic procurement policy, setting standards, rules, instructions and other regulatory instruments on public procurement;
- Monitoring compliance with requirements established by legislation;
- Obtaining and ensuring dissemination of information relating to public procurement;
- Facilitating and supporting capacity building in public procurement;
- Handlingprocurement audit, administrative review of complaints and appeals on public procurement;
- Maintaining registers of Procuring Entities, members and secretaries of Tenders Boards, and of suppliers, contractors, consultants, and records of prices;
- Investigating and debarring from public procurement suppliers, contractors and consultants who have contravened the provisions of the Law and Regulations, and communicating a list of debarred firms to Procuring entities;
- Prior review of contracts within certain thresholds and issuance of ―No objection‖ to proceed with procurement where requirements are met.
- Issuing certification to authorize award and payment for contracts within certain thresholds.